English Expression of the Week: Take a Stab at

The Expression

The expression for this week is “take a stab at.” It is a phrasal verb like “try your hand at.”

The Meaning

“Take a stab at” means to try something. It usually means to try something for the first time.

How do we Use it

We use this expression as part of a sentence. We cannot use it by itself. Also, we do not usually use it at the end of a sentence. Also, just like any verb, we have to be careful to use the correct tense.

Easy Examples

Here are some easy examples for you to practice with.

I don’t know if I can make a blanket, but I’ll take a stab at it.

I took a stab at learning Russian.

Don’t give up. Take another stab at it.

Your Turn

Now it’s your chance to take a stab at using this English expression. Leave a comment with your own examples. And if you want more practice, watch the video below.


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