English Expression of the Week: get Someone’s Goat

English Expression of the Week: get Someone’s Goat

The Expression This week’s expression is “get someone’s goat.” This expression is very useful if someone is annoying or trying...

English Expression of the Week: get Your Money’s Worth

English Expression of the Week: get Your Money’s Worth

The Expression this week’s expression is “get your money’s worth.” We use this expression to talk about things that we...

English Expression of the Week: get the Willies

English Expression of the Week: get the Willies

The Expression The expression for this week is “get the willies.” It is not a phrasal verb, but “get” must...

English Expression of the Week: get a raw Deal

English Expression of the Week: get a raw Deal

The Expression The expression for this week is “get a raw deal.” It is not a phrasal verb, but the...

English Expression of the Week: get the Picture

English Expression of the Week: get the Picture

The Expression the expression for this week is “get the picture.” It is connected with using the word “get” to...

English Expression of the Week: get the hang of

English Expression of the Week: get the hang of

The Expression the expression for this week is “get the hang of.” It is a phrasal verb, so be careful...

English Expression of the Week: Take a Stab at

English Expression of the Week: Take a Stab at

The Expression The expression for this week is “take a stab at.” It is a phrasal verb like “try your...

English Expression of the Week: Give it a Shot

English Expression of the Week: Give it a Shot

The Expression The expression for this week is “give it a shot.” I am sure you have heard it in...

English Expression of the Week: Test the Waters

English Expression of the Week: Test the Waters

The Expression The expression for this week is “test the waters.” It is not a phrasal verb, and it must...

English Expression of the Week: Try Your Hand at

English Expression of the Week: Try Your Hand at

The Expression The expression for this week is “try your hand at.” In this case, the expression is actually a...

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